A young woman holding an Invisalign clear aligner tray up to her mouth.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

If you’re interested in straightening your smile or making adjustments to your bite, you might be wondering about Invisalign. The time commitment makes Invisalign a popular option, and the providers at Smiles Northwest can help you with the Invisalign process. But first: Let’s take a look at: What Invisalign can help you with What you […]

8 reasons to love clear aligners

8 Reasons to Choose Clear Aligners Over Metal Braces

  Have you been putting off getting your smile straightened because you’d rather not be seen with metal brackets and wires all over your teeth? Traditional braces can take years to successfully straighten your smile – all the while you are dealing with eating restrictions, the endless struggle of brushing and flossing around all those […]

Acceledent is used by our Beaverton, OR dentist to accelerate your oral treatment

Beaverton Dentist Offers Way Straighten Your Teeth Faster!

WOULD YOU LIKE TO STRAIGHTEN YOUR TEETH IN 1/2 THE TIME? Our Beaverton Dental Office is now offering AcceleDent®, an easy-to-use device that can accelerate your orthodontic treatment by up to 50%. It will help straighten your teeth. We sincerely want the best for each of our patients, and one way to ensure the highest level of […]

Anita W., 2014 Macstudio Model Search National Grand Prize Winner

Portland Cosmetic Dentist Wins National Smile Competition

Portland cosmetic dentist Dr. Dotson is awarded a top dentist acknowledgment!  Out of all the submissions for the 2014 National Macstudio Model Search, Dr. Montrose’s patient’s smile wins! By using his exceptional expertise in the field of cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Montrose was able to improve the smile using porcelain veneers. Dr. Montrose is an Accredited member of the […]