Our Dental Case of the Month for November focuses on Sleep Apnea and transitioning from a CPAP device to a dental appliance.
The short version:
“My wife used to complain about my snoring constantly, and I never felt like I would get enough sleep. With the dental appliance we noticed a difference right away! I don’t snore, which means I’m still married 🙂 and I am much better rested when I wake up. My wife even ran up to Jodi and gave her a hug the first time she saw her after I started wearing the dental appliance.” – Smiles Northwest patient, Andy C.
The longer version:
“I’ve probably had sleep apnea most of my adult life, but I was officially diagnosed about 2.5 years ago,” recalls Andy C. patient of Beverton Dental practice Smiles Northwest.
Experts estimate sleep apnea affects 1 in 15 people, or approximately 18 million Americans. More astounding, about 80-90% of persons with sleep apnea go undiagnosed. When Portland area dentists, Dr. Chen and Jodi Dotson learned how prevalent sleep apnea is among Americans they vowed to find a way to help using their dental abilities and expertise.
Until recently, it seemed the only treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) was with the use of a CPAP device, but many people, just like Andy, find wearing a CPAP unpleasant and they would rather not do it. “My CPAP device just wasn’t doing the job,” Andy explained. “It was uncomfortable and did not seem to be providing the benefits that it should. I also am not a fan of looking like Darth Vader when I go to bed at night.”
Andy sought out the help of Dr. Jodi Dotson, by setting up a consultation to discuss his issues with sleep apnea and feelings toward the CPAP he had been using. “Dr. Dotson suggested I should look into trying out the dental appliance. I completely trusted her professional judgement, so I agreed. She explained to me exactly how the appliance works to achieve results, as well as the process used to create the appliance. The staff made sure I was comfortable and it was a pleasant experience.”
[Andy] When I got the appliance we noticed a difference right away! My wife even says I no longer snore. It’s wonderful! Dr. Dotson did a great job of explaining what kinds of things I would be experiencing in the first few days, and she was right. It’s not uncomfortable, and it did not take long to get used to. Here’s an added bonus- I can pack my appliance easily so when I travel I can actually now use the same thing I use at home. It’s great!
[continued] I would recommend everyone with sleep apnea who wants an alternative to their CPAP to come to Smiles Northwest for this sleep appliance, or for any dental needs for that matter. The atmosphere is wonderful, and everyone there is nice and polite. They treat you like a person instead of a patient. The office is very high tech, the doctors are professional, and I love the massage chair!
From the Doctors: We want to thank Andy for his kind words and sharing his story for you. If you can relate to what Andy went through, and would like to see if a dental appliance is right for you, please don’t hesitate to call! We work closely with local sleep physicians, and in many cases medical insurance provides some degree of benefit for these appliances. We are also members of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.
We will be happy to sit down for a complimentary visit with you. Smiles Northwest is also welcoming new patients for general dentistry and hygiene. We’d love to hear from you! Call us at 971-205-1786